Clean brushes, perfect makeup

Discover our automatic cleaner for flawless brushes and uncompromising makeup.

Discover now
  • Hygiene

    By cleaning your brushes, you avoid the proliferation of these bacteria and reduce the risk of skin infections.

  • Better make-up

    Clean brushes enable more precise and even make-up application. The result is a cleaner, more professional look.

  • Longer life

    By cleaning your brushes, you preserve their bristles and extend their life. Well-maintained brushes stay soft and effective longer.

  • Product savings

    Clean brushes absorb less make-up, which means you'll use less product with each application.

Our brand

Welcome to our world at Caliego, where our passion for beauty and well-being ignites every product we create. We're on a mission to revolutionize your makeup routine, making it simpler, more enjoyable, and utterly transformative.

Join us on this exciting journey as we redefine beauty rituals. With Caliego, you're not just getting products; you're stepping into an experience designed to elevate your daily routine.

Let's simplify your beauty rituals together and introduce you to unmatched cleanliness and comfort. Because at Caliego, we believe everyone deserves to feel their best every day.

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